星期五, 十二月 01, 2006



世界艾滋病日论坛正式开通! World AIDS Day Online Forum Officially Opens!
12月1日世界艾滋病日即将到来。为了协助各机构策划组织各项活动,促进信息资源的分享,加强合作与协调,避免不必要的重复工作,全国艾滋病信息资源网络(CHAIN)、联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)共同建立了“世界艾滋病日活动交流论坛”。通过这个论坛,我们欢迎各类组织、个人、企业等相互分享本年度艾滋病日的活动计划,交流活动策划的经验与感想,并希望这些组织者能够通过这个论坛寻求到获得更多合作与赞助的机会。同时,通过该论坛的宣传,大众媒体将有机会了解到更多的艾滋病日前后活动情况,也有助于组织活动的各个机构加强宣传教育的影响力度。如果该论坛成功运行,在12月1日之后我们将收集整理活动经验,为今后工作做有益参考。并在将来继续用之作为协调各项大型活动及艾滋病日的网络平台。 全国艾滋病信息资源网络联合国艾滋病规划署2006年10月22日
1ST December is coming. To improve coordination, use of resources, avoid duplications, increase collaboration and create opportunities for synergy in organization of World Aids Day activities, CHAIN, UNAIDS and other interested stakeholders are setting up a WAD Internet platform. Here organizations, individuals, private companies, and others are encouraged to share information on their planned WAD activities. We hope that many stakeholders will be interested in sharing information and ultimately collaborate on World Aids Day by using this tool. It will also provide an opportunity for organizers seeking funds and donors looking for worthy causes to meet. It will also make it easier for interested media to identify where activities will take place and what is being organized around the 1st of December. This year is a test run and if the tool is successful we will use it to collect lessons learned from WAD activities after December 1st, for other large scale events and for future WAD coordination.China HIV/AIDS Information Network, CHAIN Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS
22nd October, 2006
